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Move-in Checklist
  1. Schedule a tour to see the facility virtually. Due to COVID-19, all showing are via video call.

  2.  A mandatory physical exam is required 30 days before move-in.  Bring AHCA Form 1823 to your loved one's healthcare provider and have it filled out completely.

  3. Bring AHCA form 1823 completed and 2 forms of photo ID of the new prospective resident.

  4. Suitcase with clean laundered clothing only. Bedding and pillow is not permitted unless medically required by a healthcare provider's order.

What to Expect on Move-in Day
  1.  All parties present during the check-in process are required to provide a negative COVID-19 test within 14 days of your move-in date. A Limit of 2 additional persons may be present.

  2. All parties should expect to take COVID-19 rapid test prior to entering the facility's living area on the day of move-in. If anyone in the party tests positive all members must leave and the check-in date will be postponed. Bed holds are not guaranteed if there is a waiting list.

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